A Bartlett Bricolage
DEC 01 - May 2023
E. Clark Street Bartlett, TX
A Bricolage for your thoughts?
Thanks to the technological advancements of our 21st century, mass production has lead us to produce more than we need while leaching the earth of its prescious resources. Sadly in order to make more to support more, we leave the earth less viable for later use. What is one man's cash crop is the next man's starving bee. Things are only worth what value we ascribe to them, not what our Capitalist system has tricked us into thinking.
Currently exhibiting in 227 E Clark, this piece serves as an homage to its history. Once the This-That shop, this pharmacy/ Auto body and Tire shop sometimes served as a temporary Morge for Bartlett during hard times in this here town dubbed the "Best Little Town in Texas".
Instant Gradation
Part of the Purple Window in 227 E Clark
To be succinct, Technologal advancements, specifically those of social media platforms, have so effortlessly aided negatively to our instant gradification and 5 second attention span.
Soon we will reach some kind of precipice, so its been fun while its lasted!
How will we connect next?
Shotgun Sally
Part of the Purple Window in 227 E Clark St
In the early 19th century, Texas became one of the top ten producers of Cotton causing an infestation of production, technological advancement, and immigration. Originally a cash crop of the Spanish and the geolocation of the Native Americans, the Anglo- American immigrants took what land and resources they could and started a Boomtown in Bartlett in part thanks to the Blackland Prairies which are a temperate grassland ecoregion located in Texas that runs roughly 300 miles (480 km) from the Red River in North Texas to San Antonio in the south till the Depression, the War and the Bollweevil infestation in the mid 1900s.
This land is my land, this land was your land; from California to the NY isle.
Intoxicating Clarity
...the name rang for me since I was trying to clealy represent that moment when the sun is in your eyes and it mixes with the Cedar pollen in the morning sunrise; as the pink tears drop and shimmer the salmon lights fade before you look up to see daylight.
I should've called this piece Cedar Pollen Sunrise or Pink Tears, so ill guess ill keep trying to invoke the joy of a Texas morning and represent it somehow.
RGB and Sometimes Y
Some rules were meant to be broken.
Dont believe the hype
Suburban Sunset
Does Urban Art deter the proliferation of Grafitti?
Apoptosis Altitude
What happens if you go monochrome
Revoltionary Apocolypse
Sometimes our progress leads to more death than planned.